Our Lady of Sorrows Novena

September 6th to September 14th

We call to mind in this very important Novena the sorrows that our Blessed Mother endured during her life.  We live in a valley of tears, until we reach our heavenly homeland, and so we ask our Lady during these nine consecutive days to intercede for us.

This Novena allows you with firm confidence to unite your sufferings to Our Ladies knowing that she can console us and obtain for us graces from God. Her seven sorrows were. The Prophecy of Simeon. The Flight into Egypt. The loss of the child Jesus in the Temple. Meeting Jesus on the way to Calvery. The Crucifixion. The piecing of the side of Jesus and the Burial of Jesus. So join us in these nine days of Masses to our Lady at our seminary in Cheshire, Connecticut.

If you have any questions or requests, please contact Barbara DiSpirito  Barbara.DiSpirito@legionofchrist.org or call (914) 215-3345.

Our Lady of Sorrows Novena
Suggested Offering $35.00 each
Any amount given in excess of the suggested $35 offering will be used for the general purposes of the Legion unless otherwise requested by the donor.



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of the Legionaries of Christ priests worldwide.

Total: $35.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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