Engaging Pedagogy Conference May 14, 2025

Engaging Pedagogy is a regional, interdisciplinary conference serving faculty, graduate students, and staff committed to producing deeper and more effective teaching and learning initiatives. 

The Engaging Pedagogy conference, hosted by Texas Lutheran University, provides a forum for participants from over 20 regional schools to share how we critically reflect on our teaching and learning and creatively adapt what we know to serve our diverse community of students.  When we are at our best, students learn to reflect critically on their learning and life practices.  

Theme: Bridging the Gap between Faculty Expectations and Student Engagement
We read, plan, and talk with each other. Then, we read some more and go to a conference. As the semester draws nearer, we revise the syllabus to incorporate the latest research and order the new textbook. It's a lot of work, but we usually are okay with it. We've enjoyed learning all this great new stuff and are ready to share it with our students! Please visit the Engaging Pedagogy Conference 2025 page for details.

Discount Code
Discount codes are valid through March 31, 2025. For one person, the registration fee is $50. Use the discount code 2P2025 for two people. Use the discount code 3P2025 for three or more.
Total: $50.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Participant Information

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