Thank you for your interest in our American Sign Language classes! The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children is excited to offer these engaging ASL classes to the Scranton community.  Not only do the classes promote signing skills, but they also provide a greater understanding of Deaf Culture.

We deeply appreciate your participation and support for this important program offered through our school to our friends, families, and neighbors.

Classes will be held in person AND virtually 

  • In person classes.
    • Wednesdays, April 2nd to May 28th (No Classes April 23rd)
    • 6:00pm to 8:00pm
    • Classes will be held on the SSDHHC campus (537 Venard Rd.  Scranton, PA) for a limited number of students
    • ASL 1, 2, and 3 will be offered in person
  • Virtual classes
    • Tuesdays, April 1st to May 27th (No Classes April 22nd)
    • 6:00pm to 8:00pm
    • Separate classes will be held virtually using Google Meet
    • Prior to the first class, your instructor will contact you with a link for the Google Classroom and the weekly live class
    • ASL I and ASL 2 will be offered virtually

Please register for a particular class below. Courses are non-credit. The instructor will monitor student achievement and progress, conducting periodic evaluations. If you are unsure of your placement, teachers will assist you on the first night of the class.

PLEASE NOTE: Parents of current SSDHHC or Hershey students can attend class for free and should contact Hannah Hart directly at to register.

In-Person ASL I, II, and III Classes
Wednesday,  April 2nd - May 28th
(No Class April 23rd)
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Virtual ASL I and II Classes
Tuesday, April 1st to May 27th
(No Classes April 22nd)
6:00pm to 8:00pm

Please select your class from the course list below

In this course, students will develop basic finger spelling, vocabulary and grammar skills.
Discussion of Deaf Culture and interactions with the Deaf Community will be a key component.

In this course, students will develop basic finger spelling, vocabulary and grammar skills.
Discussion of Deaf Culture and interactions with the Deaf Community will be a key component.

This course is designed to expand expressive and receptive vocabulary and grammar skills.
The course will focus on specific topics such as: classifiers, time, numbers, directionality
and storytelling, as well as language structure and Deaf history and culture.

This course is designed to expand expressive and receptive vocabulary and grammar skills. The course will focus on specific topics such as: classifiers, time, numbers, directionality and storytelling, as well as language structure and Deaf history and culture.

This class will provide an evaluation of each student’s communication skills, and focus
on individual needs. Attention to advanced grammar and signs will be emphasized
and will include dialogues that involve asking, empathizing, negotiation, agreeing and disagreeing.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Attendee Information
Payer Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Your Payment Information

VisaMasterCardAmerican Express

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