Thank you for joining the Christ the Redeemer RE Department as a Catechetical Minister for the 2023-24 Catechetical year. THIS REGISTRATION IS FOR INDIVIDUALS (TEENS AND ADULTS) WILLING TO BE CATECHISTS, AIDES, AND/OR HALL MONITORS. If you would like to volunteer with our department in another way, please contact the Coordinator of R.E. Adilene Huff at 281-469-5533 or

If you would like to make a donation to support a child needing Religious Education, please indicate your preferred donation amount in the box below. Payment information will be completed at the end of this form to make your donation.

You can find more information about the Catechetical year, preparation for Sacraments, and other activities on our department website at 

Catechetical Minister Information
NOTE: All teens must be entering 9th grade or above to join the ministry.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address. The The email receipt will come from ''

*If you are 18 or older and not CMG/VIRTUS trained, please use the link provided in your confirmation email to register for and complete CMG online training before classes begins.*

Emergency Contact Information

Audio/Visual Recording and Photography Consent:
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church occasionally uses video or audio recordings and photographs of children, youth and families during church and diocesan-sponsored activities. These are utilized in newsletters, on websites, in event promotion, on advertisements, in social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and other print and digital media to display the many wonderful parishioners at CtR to the community. As the State of Texas does not prevent audio or video recording or the photographing of children/youth (with the exception of Senate Bill 1, Section 26.009, which deals specifically with school districts), it does encourage parental consent. Additionally, current video recordings and photographs assist law enforcement agencies in dealing with the Missing Children’s Program.

I release the staff and volunteers of Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston from any liability connected with the use of my picture or audio/video recording as part of any of the above or similar activities.

You need only fill out credit card information if you are making a donation.
Your Payment Information


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