Living, Loving, and Letting Go:
A Workshop
with Robert Beatty and Betsy Toll

Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Workshop is In-Person ONLY at Portland Insight Meditation Center

Impermanence is a fundamental truth of being alive. We all know that in time everything passes—there’s simply no way around it. Whether the passing strikes like lightning or swells like a growing tide, if we love, in response, we grieve.

We may experience an intimate loss or be overwhelmed by the world’s suffering, distress, and instability, but if we love, if we care, our hearts break. Our complex society and changing world can devastate us, which in turn complicates our responses to life’s inevitable losses. The challenges of loving and letting go compound in difficult times, whether pandemic, war, or climate breakdown, when systems and societies unravel.

Even in calmer times, many of us have few places where we feel safe to allow our sorrow to fully surface. Unable to explore and honor our grief, we may struggle alone, trying to ignore or rise above it, or distracting ourselves from our feelings—strategies that complicate our responses.

This workshop offers safe harbor for your heart, whatever it is holding. We invite you to join us.

The workshop:

Our work together will include reflections, interactive exercises in groups and dyads, silence, and discussion. We’ll have poetry, music, stillness, and movement. As the day unfolds, we’ll find laughter, too, and graceful means to embrace it all, skillful and creative means to heal into life, here and now.

Together in sangha, in community, we can honor our grief and let it flow through. We’ll reap the clarity, resilience, and joy that arise in living, loving, and letting go.

Location: Portland Insight Meditation Center, 6536 SE Duke St., Portland, OR 97206 
Lunch: Please bring a simple lunch for yourself.

Suggested Donation: $80 (No one turned away for lack of funds. You may self-select dana below.  Due to the limits of the registration software, offerings of less than $1 cannot be processed by this form.  If you require a full scholarship, please use this FORM to register instead.

I am in need of a scholarship and am paying the following amount for the retreat.
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In addition to my payment for the class I would like to contribute to PIMC. Donations are tax deductible. The Portland Insight Meditation Center is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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