Transfer Student Application for Admission

Directions:  Complete, in full, the online application and submit unofficial transcripts from the student's current school to JCA's Associate Principal


Total: $30.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Student Information
(city, state, county)
Please list the name and phone number of a person other than an immediate family member that knows your address and phone number:
Electronic Signature

As a parent/legal guardian of the above named child, my permission is given to release to Joliet Catholic Academy my student’s school records, including, but not limited to confidential academic, special education and disciplinary information, and records concerning my child. I also grant permission for Joliet Catholic Academy to dialogue openly with appropriate parties at my child’s current school about matters related to admissions and placement. 

I understand JCA will not accept a transfer student if he/she is suspended or expelled from his/her current high school.

As the student's parent/guardian, I certify that the information provided on this application is accurate and true. I understand that falsified or incomplete information may result in the denial of admission and/or termination of enrollment at Joliet Catholic Academy.
Educational Status
List the names of any additional high schools you have attended.
Special Education Information
Check the accommodations/services below that you are currently receiving or have been recommended to receive:
Title I Reading
Title I Math
Learning Disabilities
Behavior Disorders
Speech Pathology
Specialized Instruction
Religious Information
Ethnic Background
Check the background with which you most closely identify:
Black (not of Hispanic origin)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
Family Information

Father/Stepfather/Guardian Information

Mother/Stepmother/Guardian Information

Additional Family Information
List the names of any brothers or sisters currently attending Joliet Catholic Academy
List the names of any younger brothers or sisters
List the names of other family members who are alumni of SFA, DLS, JCHS, or JCA
Transfer Student Questionnaire
Please answer the following questions honestly and completely. The purpose of the following questions is to assist Joliet Catholic Academy in gathering a complete profile of the applicant. This information will be used to assess the student’s eligibility. Missing or incorrect items will delay the application process.
Introductory Questions
Academic History
If yes, please list the course(s) and what, if any, make up credit was completed as well as where it was completed.
(i.e. Sylvan Learning Center, Learning Resource Tutoring)
Behavior History
Personal History
Extracurricular History
(i.e. Football Manager - Freshman; Math Team - Sophomore)
Parent/Payer Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be emailed to this address.
Your Payment Information


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