Dana Offering Bowl

Greetings PIMC Community,

What a year it has been! From unexpected challenges to surprising joys, our community has experienced it all. Throughout, we hope the Portland Insight Meditation Community (PIMC) has served as a sanctuary for you, as it has for us.

PIMC's vibrancy isn't accidental. It's the result of the collective dedication, love, and attention from our meditators, students, volunteers, donors, and friends. Your generosity of time and resources has allowed us to extend retreats and classes to those who might not otherwise afford them and cultivate the next generation through our enriching youth dharma program.

We invite you to join us in supporting PIMC as we head towards the year's end. Your contribution will not only help us end the year without depleting our reserves, but also pave the way for a successful 2024.

Besides monetary support, we welcome your involvement in classes, volunteering, and engagement with our activities.

As PIMC is a registered charity, there are many ways that you can show your support. Many choose to donate stocks, grants from Donor Advised funds, or make a Qualified Charitable Distribution. All these contributions are more "tax-smart" than giving cash. Also, consider remembering PIMC in your estate plans. If you'd like to learn more, please contact Gregory Maloof: gregory@portlandinsight.org

Thank you for being a part of our community, and for considering this request. We look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in the coming year.


The PIMC Board of Directors
Robert Beatty, Tracy Cullen, Rachelle Gabrang, Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, Dan Leif, Douglas Pullin


Thank you for your dana! Your ongoing support allows us to continue bringing the Dharma to more people. If you're able and willing, please consider making an on-going monthly commitment to PIMC.

PLEASE NOTE: You are welcome to set the timing of your donation to something other than "Monthly" if you wish. Please make sure the Recurring Frequency box below accurately reflects your choice.

Your donation may be fully tax deductible. PIMC is a 501-(c)(3)organization. FEIN 93-1317966

I can make a one-time gift
Other Amount:


Monthly giving provides a stable funding base for the ongoing teaching of the Dharma at PIMC. Your monthly contribution will be automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account. Your generosity guarantees that PIMC will continue to be the living and vibrant spiritual home that nourishes you and so many others.

Other Amount
Choose A Frequency
If you wish to stop recurring charges,
contact Acceptiva at 1-800-507-3871.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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