Dear Friend in Christ,

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of generosity to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal, "Come to Christ, One and All". It is recommended that individuals/families commit 5% of their financial resources to their own parish community, 2-3% to the broader church through the archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), and the balance of giving to other charities of personal interest.

Recommended Monthly ACA Donation
Monthly Income 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%
$500.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $5.00
$1,000.00 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00
$1,500.00 $75.00 $60.00 $45.00 $30.00 $15.00
$2,000.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00
$3,000.00 $150.00 $120.00 $90.00 $60.00 $30.00
$4,000.00 $200.00 $160.00 $120.00 $80.00 $40.00
$5,000.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $50.00
Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
4000 St. Joseph's Place NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
505-831-8138 (voice) (web site)
To see how your donation benefits the Archdiocese of Santa Fe click HERE.
Choose A Frequency

Click below to see today’s donation amount and balance of your future commitment, if applicable. Please confirm this information is correct before proceeding.

Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00

*When setting up a recurring donation, please use the individual payment as your 'Donation Amount'. (ex. For an annual donation of $1,200 where the donation frequency is  'monthly' and the desired time frame is 12 months, please use $100 as your 'Donation Amount'.)

Trouble setting up a recurring donation? Click HERE for a short how-to video.

Donations for the current campaign year are accepted through December 31st. Donations remain confidential, and protected within the Annual Catholic Appeal Foundation of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a New Mexico Non-Profit Corporation, as a separate organization. The ACA Foundation remains a major funding source to our ministries and services.

Donor Information
This is where your credit card or bank statements are mailed.
A receipt will be emailed to this address.
Additional Information
(Your ACA Account# is not required to process your donation)
Your Payment Information

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