Please review your pass purchase options carefully.
Bus passes are non-refundable. Changes require the purchase of a replacement pass.

Bus passes will be distributed to students at the school site. Please review all FAQs, rules, and safety guidelines available on our website. Students may only board and disembark according to the bus number and stop printed on their pass. To ensure all students have the opportunity to access transportation, students may be assigned to one AM stop and one PM stop. Families with dual household custody arrangements may create a hybrid pass for two home locations by purchasing one home bus route online and then emailing transportation@lbusd.org to arrange for the addition of the second home route at no additional cost, subject to availability. Documentation may be requested as verification. All families that participate in the transportation program will receive a notification in late November if bus routes have capacity for additional riders. At that time, we will open any remaining seat availability for an additional stop assignment until routes reach full capacity.

Purchases made with more than one AM or PM stop per student will result in a voided transaction and no pass issued.

Annual pass cost is $230 each way. Current cost listed reflects a proration that occurs at the end of each school month. School months divide the school year into 10 segments and are not aligned with calendar months.

EL MORRO ELEMENTARY - AM (home to school)






EL MORRO ELEMENTARY - PM (school to home)




















THURSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL - AM (home to school)








Please use the ZP DBS SELECTION below to indicate the qty & bus stop number for your student
THURSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL - PM (school to home)









Indicate quantity & select a designated bus stop (DBS) using the drop-down arrow


Complete the request form and wait for a confirmation email from transportation@lbusd.org before purchasing. Allow 2 business days for the replacement pass to be processed following payment completion. Students may only board and disembark according to the bus and stop number printed on their pass, so changes take effect once your student is in possession of the new pass.

Purchase creates a reprint of the currently issued pass. Passes take 2 days to process and are provided to students at the school site.

Email transportation@lbusd.org before purchasing to provide your student's name, school site location, dates requested, and stop locations. Purchases made without pre-approval will be voided. Pass is issued for 5 consecutive school days. Allow 2 business days for the temporary pass to be processed following payment completion. Students must present a District-issued pass in order to board the bus.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Include first and last names for quantity selected above
Include all for quantity selected above


  • Use only the designated bus stop and bus assigned
  • Kindergartners (including TK) must be received at the bus stop by a parent or designated adult; bus drivers will release all other grade students at their designated bus stop without a parent present
  • The parent or guardian is responsible for the student until they board the bus and after they disembark from the bus
  • Student safety depends upon the proper and safe conduct of each individual
  • Students are responsible for safekeeping, controlling, and presenting their bus pass
  • Arrive at bus stop ten minutes before bus is due
  • Behave in an orderly manner at bus stop: as bus arrives, form a line and stand at least six feet back from curb; do not move toward bus until it has come to a complete stop and door is open
  • Be respectful of neighbors while walking to and from the bus stop and while waiting for the bus
  • Use only public access on the way to and from the bus stop
  • Always obey all traffic laws
  • Display bus pass to the driver upon boarding the bus
  • Board the bus, find a seat quickly and remain seated at all times, facing front, while bus is in motion
  • Follow instructions of the driver: drivers may assign seats, assign three to a seat, assign seatmates, and take other actions needed for safe passage of the students
  • Talk quietly: do not shout, yell, use profane language or gestures, fight, or behave in a boisterous manner
  • Keep all body parts inside the bus
  • Not eat, drink, or chew gum, while on the bus
  • Not bring animals, glass objects, or large bulky or hazardous articles of any kind on the bus, including boogie boards, bike wheels, and skateboards
  • Not litter the bus or engage in vandalism, destruction of property, or graffiti (costs will be billed to the student and their parent)
  • Not possess or use tobacco, drugs or alcohol, firearms, knives, explosives, or other dangerous objects aboard the bus
  • Not light matches, lighters or firecrackers aboard the bus
  • Not play or tamper with any part of the bus
  • Not ask driver to discharge students anywhere but at a designated bus stops, in accordance with the law
  • Remain quiet at the bus stops
  • When exiting the bus, follow the drivers' instructions: if crossing on the opposite side of the street, always cross in front of the bus, and utilize the crosswalk, obeying all traffic laws
  • Respect the danger zone around the bus

school bus

This section is pursuant to Ed. Code Sections 39831.3-39831.5 and Vehicle Code Section 22112.

Student Behavior and Discipline
All policies and rules regarding safety, behavior, and discipline on the school bus remain in effect. Parents are encouraged to review the student responsibilities and Durham's rules and regulations with their student(s). With parent assistance and the cooperation of all student riders, the District is able to continue to provide safe transportation. The principal of each school site shall be responsible for policy enforcement. The Superintendent, or designee, may review any or all violations for final recommendation, if necessary.

  • First Violation: The rider and parent/guardian will be contacted by the principal, or designee
  • Second Violation: The rider may be denied district transportation services for a period of three or more days
  • Third Violation: The rider may be denied district transportation services for a period of two or more weeks
  • Fourth Violation: The rider may be denied district transportation services for the remainder of the school year
  • Threats of harm, acts of violence, or any behavior that is a danger to self or others may be cause for immediate denial of district transportation services

Misuse of Bus Pass
Misuse of bus transportation passes are subject to disciplinary measures.

  • Using or attempting to use a stolen, found, or forged bus pass
  • Allowing another student to use one's own bus pass
  • Using or attempting to use an expired bus pass

Possession of any pass which is not the property of the possessor, shall constitute evidence of improper possession and use, or attempted use, and is reason to exercise disciplinary measures.

Students Without a Bus Pass

  1. If the student is at the bus stop, student is transported to school and the driver notifies the school office
  2. The school office contacts the parent/guardian
  3. Students without a bus pass will not be allowed to ride the bus home from school
Checking this box indicates that you have read, understand, and agree to all of the foregoing terms, conditions, and the rules and guidelines by which your student(s) must abide while riding any District school bus. All existing District policies and rules regarding safety, student behavior, and discipline remain in effect on the bus. Please review the rules and guidelines which are available online at www.lbusd.org. With your assistance, LBUSD can continue to provide safe transportation. All students must behave appropriately while on the bus. Citations will be issued for misbehavior. Misuse of bus pass may result in suspension or termination of transportation privileges. Bus passes are non-refundable.
Entering your name in the box above indicates your intent to sign the document electronically
Payer Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be emailed to this address.
Your Payment Information


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