Electives Selection
Please check either Band, Orchestra, or Choir, then make your track selections.
i. Middle School
- Strengthening Skills Track (Sight reading/Rhythmic Studies, Ear-Training, Leadership)
- Jazz Track Jazz Band, Jazz Improvisation (Winds - concert band auditions will serve for jazz placement. Rhythm section will need to play an additional audition for jazz band.)
- Double Reed Track for Oboe and Bassoon Players ONLY (Reed making and Music Literature)
- Theory/Composition Track (Music Technology, Music Theory, Music Literature)
- Exploration Track (Intro to Piano, Music History/Literature/Improvisation)
- Percussion Track for Percussionists ONLY (Drumset Class, Drum Circle/Hand Drumming, Steel Drum Ensemble)
ii. High School
- Strengthening Skills Track (Sightreading/Rhythmic Studies, Ear-Training, Leadership)
- Jazz Track Jazz band, Jazz Improvisation (Winds - concert band auditions will serve for jazz placement. Rhythm section will need to play an additional audition for jazz band.)
- Performance Track for Wind Players ONLY (Audition Preparation, Tone and Technique Development, and Chamber Music)
- Theory/Composition Track (Music Technology, Music Theory, and Arranging/Copyright/Licensing)
- Double Reed Track for Oboe and Bassoon Players ONLY (Reedmaking and Chamber Music) – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Percussion Track for Percussionists ONLY (Drumset Class, Drum Circle/Hand Drumming, Steel Drum Ensemble)
- Musical Leadership (Conducting, Marching Leadership, Careers in Music, etc.)
- Mix and Match – tell us what you want to learn about, and we will select electives that will help you reach your goals!
All MS and HS Orchestra students may select from the following elective tracks:
1. Theory / Composition Track (Music Technology, Music Theory, Music Literature)
2. Exploration Track (Intro to Piano, Music History/Literature/Improvisation)
3. String Strengthening Skills Track (Sightreading/Rhythmic Studies, Chamber Music, Tone and Technique Development)
i. Middle School Vocalists may select from the following elective tracks:
- Strengthening Skills Track (Sight reading/ Rhythmic Studies, Ear-Training, Leadership)
- Theory/Composition Track (Music Technology, Music Theory, Music Literature)
- Mix and Match - tell us what you want to learn, and we will select electives that will help you reach your goals!
i. High School Vocalists may select from the following elective tracks:
- Strengthening Skills Track (Sight reading/Rhythmic Studies, Ear-Training, Leadership)
- Theory/Composition Track (Music Technology, Music Theory, Music Literature)
- Mix and Match - tell us what you want to learn, and we will select electives that will help you reach your goals!