Connect with Skip Heitzig September Resource
Heaven and hell are an eternal and biblical reality, but the truth of that reality has been relegated to the junk pile of modern myth. We've all heard the jokes that start out with Peter standing at the pearly gates with his clipboard and keys like some kind of sanctified bouncer. Then there's the comic strip-esque image of believers sitting around on clouds with harps. Not to mention the idea that hell is just a place to meet up with old friends or an underworld to be escaped. But what will heaven actually be like? What happens when a believer dies? Does hell exist?

Examine the truth of eternity and discover surprising facts about heaven, hell, Satan, and the second coming with the Eternity Package from Connect with Skip Heitzig, which includes Skip's booklet, Hell! No! Don't Go! and From Here to Eternity, a collection of seven messages available on CD.
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