Thank you for expressing an interest in volunteering for our ministries and/or organizations. Please answer a few questions to assist us in matching you with a ministry or organization.
Personal Information
A confirmation will be e-mailed to this address.
What are your areas of interest or talents that may be applicable to volunteering? Select all that apply.
Senior Citizen Services
Care Giver
Prayer Groups
Welcoming Newcomers
Book Clubs
Making Phone Calls
Email Follow Up
Arts & Crafts
Computer Graphics
Data Entry
Financial Services
Public Speaking
Office Work
Transportation Services
Audio/Visual Technology
Delivery Services
Women’s Club
Men’s Club
Youth Group Mentor
Bilingual Services
Adult Teacher
Youth Teacher
Children’s Teacher
Computer Program Skills
School Cafeteria Helper
School Library Helper
Playground Monitor
Spanish Translator/Proofreader
Event Planning or Decorating
Mentoring Engaged Couples
Please list any other relevant experience you have that you feel would benefit any of the various ministries/organizations with St. Monica?
How many hours per week would you be able to dedicate to volunteering for organizations, ministries or events?
Please list your availability Monday-Sunday along with time of day
(Ex. Mondays 1-3pm & Saturdays 10-11am)
Ministry you prefer
What type of ministry would you prefer, that may closely mirror your skills, interests and/or talents? One or more items below can be selected. For more information specific to these ministries, please go to the St. Monica website
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Spiritual Growth
Pain Prayer Group
Eucharistic Adoration Society
Little Rock Sunday Scripture Study
Serra Club of Metropolitan Dallas
Community Outreach
Austin Street Center
Bread Ministry
Helping Hands
North Dallas Shared Ministries
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prison Ministry
Senior Outreach Ministry
Stephen Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Music Ministry
Choir – High School/Adults
Choir – Handbell Adults
Fine Arts Committee
St. Monica Contemporary Band
St. Monica Children's Choir
Cantor Ministry – Adults
Adult Ministries
Catholic Daughters of America
Legion of Mary
Knights of Columbus Council 5656
The Great Men's Program
St. Monica Dads' Club
St. Monica Mothers Group
St. Monica Pro-Life Ministry
St. Monica Grief Support Group
St. Monica Senior Connection
St. Monica School PTO
St. Monica Works
Ministries for Youth & Young Adults
Lift - St. Monica Youth Ministry
Boy Scouts Troop 412
Cub Scout Pack 712
Girl Scouts
Junior Catholic Daughters of America
Faith Formation
Youth Confirmation/Catechists
Adult Confirmation/Catechists
CCD-Religious Education/Catechist
RCIA Becoming Catholic/Sponsors
Catechist Aides
Substitute Catechists
Is there a type of ministry/organization that is not at St. Monica that you would like to see here and be a part of?
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