All gifts to MLTF are subject to compliance with the Diocesan Gift Policy.

The designation of any gift shall be limited to the definition of an eligible student by the Code of Iowa and the criteria established by the Board of Directors of the Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation.

90% of each designated gift is allocated to the selected Diocesan Catholic School and 10% allocated to the unrestricted fund. If a school has met their designated goal, donations may be redirected to a school that has not met their designated goal. Donations designated “Where Needed Most” may also be redirected to a school that has not yet met their designation goal. When multiple locations are designated by the donor, the gift will be allocated proportionally among the locations who have not yet met their designated goal.

If designated funds are not used for the designated school because of the lack of eligible students, those funds will be allocated to the unrestricted fund to be awarded to schools throughout the Diocese of Sioux City where the need is greatest.

Information contained here is not professional or legal advice. Consult a tax advisor about your individual tax situation. You will receive a tax credit certificate in January acknowledging your contribution to MLTF.

Once MLTF has reached $100,000 in remaining tax credits, online contributions will not be accepted. Please call the Central Catholic Offices with questions: (712) 255-7933.

If you want to select a "SPECIFIC SCHOOL" for your donation please make a selection in the drop down box.
Donor Information
(required to receive state tax credit certificate)
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Your Payment Information



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