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Healthy Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Finance

Leaders: Roz & Callie Picardo

Thursday, March 21

12:30-1:30pm ET

Join us for this FREE WEBINAR..."Healthy Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Finance," a one-hour webinar designed for anyone seeking a deeper understanding and healthier approach to finances. This session is particularly beneficial for:

  • Church Leaders looking to guide their communities in stewardship and financial wisdom.
  • Congregations and Small Groups seeking collective growth and mutual support in financial matters.
  • Individuals at any point in their financial journey, whether starting out, in the midst of challenges, or looking to refine their approach to money management.

Drawing insights from Roz and Callie Picardo’s new book, Healthy Money, this webinar addresses common financial dilemmas such as:

  • The struggle between saving and impulsive spending.
  • The pattern of debt repayment followed by excessive rewards.
  • The aspiration to be generous yet feeling financially restricted.

This session goes beyond traditional financial advice, focusing on the emotional and spiritual dimensions of financial behavior. Here’s what will be highlighted:

  • Identifying Money Mindsets: Discover one of the five common types that resonate with you.
  • Understanding Underlying Beliefs: Explore the beliefs that drive your financial decisions.
  • Empowering Truths Over Myths: Learn to replace harmful misconceptions about money.
  • Leveraging Your Financial Strengths: Gain insights into making the most of your financial mindset.

"Healthy Money" is not just about financial strategies; it's a catalyst for deeper healing, offering insights into how financial habits reflect and affect our deepest values and beliefs.

Join "Healthy Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Finance" and embark on a journey towards financial clarity and freedom. This webinar is an essential tool for anyone looking to transform their approach to money, fostering a community of financial wisdom and personal growth.


BIO - Roz Picardo


Roz grew up in western New York as a first-generation Sicilian-American. In 2003, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Houghton College and in 2007 a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in 2014 and an MBA in 2021 from Dakota Wesleyan University.

During his senior year of college, Roz entered the ministry as a military chaplain, serving four years in the Marine Reserves and five years in the Navy Reserves. While attending seminary, he recognized a call to serve the local church and has experience in all facets of church life, through roles ranging from church custodian to associate pastor to church planter and executive pastor of church planting at Ginghamsburg Church for five where they had three campuses and worshipped over 4,000. Also, Roz was one of the founding pastors at Mosaic, a new multicultural church in Dayton, Ohio (www.wearemosaic.org).

In addition to his work in the church, Roz is a national speaker and leads a consulting group for church planters/pastors called Picardo Coaching LLC and is the author of 8 books. And also serves as a faculty consultant in United's Doctor of Ministry program and and affiliate faculty member.


BIO - Callie Picardo


Callie Picardo loves the Lord and has a passion for prayer, discipleship, and generosity. She is an author, preacher, teacher, and encourager.

A business major from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, Callie worked in investment banking after college. Loving the financial side of her work, but wishing for more people interaction, she moved back to her hometown of Lexington, KY and into the world of charitable giving. She served six years as Kentucky’s Director of Giver Services for National Christian Foundation, one of the largest charities in the United States.

In 2015, after moving to Dayton, OH, Callie began working at United Theological Seminary, and now serves as Vice President for Development. She loves building relationships with donors of the seminary, hearing their stories and inviting them into God’s work at United. She views fundraising as ministry, regularly caring for and praying with donors.

In 2011, she founded Deep Roots Financial Coaching, a business that helps individuals, families and churches align their finances with God’s word. Her passion is to see God’s children grow in their faith through managing money God’s way and becoming financially free to follow His call wherever He may lead.

While in Kentucky, Callie met a United Methodist pastor and church planter named Rosario Picardo, and in 2010 they were married. Together they live in Dayton, OH with their three young daughters Lily, Gabriella, and Hannah. In September 2017, Rosario planted a multiethnic United Methodist Church called Mosaic, where Callie serves on the preaching team and in the prayer ministry.

In 2021, Callie and Rosario co-authored Money Talks: A Biblical Take on Earning, Saving, Spending, and Giving to encourage others as they walk with God in the area of their finances. They also co-host The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario Picardo.

The Innovation Center is able to offer high quality webinars & resources like this one at an affordable rate thanks to your generous donation.
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