Lightly Guided by Trina Truong

Thursday, November 23, 2023 ∙ 9:00am to 9:00pm

Held in person only
Portland Insight Meditation Center 6536 SE Duke Street Portland, OR 97206

The Center is open for a full day of practice

For more info, email Trina at

The format of this self-retreat is intended to allow meditators a space to come for practice with a loosely structured schedule. Meditators are welcome to practice in their own meditation methods.

There is the option to meet one-on-one and ask questions to Trina about practice, posture, and techniques. Partial attendance will be considered, please indicate your arrival and departure time on the registration form.

There will be potluck lunch. Please bring something to share. A light dinner will be served. Please have breakfast before arrival.

Please indicate your estimated arrival and departure time in the registration form below.


Suggested donation $50
No one turned away for lack of funds

Full scholarships available*
Drop-in donation at the door is also accepted

*You may self-select dana below. Due to the limits of the registration software, offerings of less than $1 cannot be processed by this form. If you require a full scholarship, please use THIS FORM to register instead.

All ages, ethnicities, socio-economic groups, religious backgrounds, abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome.

I am in need of a scholarship and am paying the following amount for the retreat.
In addition to my payment for the class I would like to contribute an additional amount. Donations are tax deductible. The Portland Insight Meditation Center is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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