SPRING 2024: 12 Weeks

Sibling Discount: 15%




Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Student Information
Registration is complete when payment is made for each child.

If your child has any health concerns or restricted activities please explain below or enter NONE.

If the student has an IEP or requires a paraprofessional during the school day, please contact us prior to registration to discuss your child’s specific needs. If none, please enter NONE.

Check here to receive tips and resources at the above email to help your child grow their Spanish skills.
Release Agreement
I understand this class meets online, and I will make available a safe place, free of distractions, from which my child will log on. I have indicated on this form any restrictions or special needs my child has, and I understand that those must be discussed with The Español Experience in advance of registration in order to ensure it is properly equipped to serve my child’s needs. I also understand that my child’s participation in program activities may be photographed or videotaped for use by The Español Experience for promotional and/or educational training purposes. Finally, I understand that students exhibiting disruptive behavior or disrespectful words/actions directed at staff or fellow students will be asked to leave the program. By checking this box I indicate that I have read and agreed to these conditions.
Payer Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Your Payment Information

VisaMasterCardAmerican ExpressDiscoverJCB

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