Welcome to Shannon Medical Center’s Pink Ribbon Run registration page.

You’re invited to participate in the 17th Annual Shannon Pink Ribbon Run to be held Saturday, October 5, 2024. The event features a 1 mile walk/run followed by 5K/10K run, which will be chip timed. Late registration begins at 7:00 a.m. at Shannon Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 201 E. Harris. The 1 mile walk/run will start at 8:00 a.m. and the 5K/10K run will start at 8:30 a.m. Proceeds from the run will benefit the Shannon Breast Center and its programs.

Entry fees are $20 for the 1 mile walk/run, $25 for the 5K and $30 for the 10K. Breast Cancer Survivors are invited to participate at no cost. The first 800 paid participants will receive a free Pink Ribbon Run t-shirt. Children 5 and under are free, but do not receive a shirt.

Breast Cancer Survivors Please Note:
Your registration is at no cost but other participants are charged a fee. To register additional participants other than yourself, please choose from the options below, fill in the additional participant information, then complete payment.






Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Participant Information
*Sizes are available on a first come first serve basis. If your selected size is unavailable, you will get the next available size*
I have read the release statement below, and I understand and voluntarily agree to its provisions.

Release & Agreement:
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly trained. I also know there will be a possibility of traffic on the course. I assume the risk of running in traffic. I also assume any and all other risks associated with running this event, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather and the condition of the roads, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Furthermore, I agree to yield to all emergency vehicles. I am also fully aware that I will use a wheelchair or a baby stroller or wheels of any kind at my own risk. Knowing these facts, and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or any¬one else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive and release and discharge any and all race sponsors, race officials, volunteers, San Angelo Police including any of their agents, employees, assigns or anyone acting for or on their behalf from any and all claims or liability for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of, or in the course of my participation in this event whether same be caused by negligence or fault. This release and waiver extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. By indicating my agreement below, I grant permission to sponsors or agents authorized by them to use any photos, video tapes, motion pictures, or any other record of this event for any purpose. If I am registering a minor child, my assent also applies to my minor child.
**No dogs allowed on the course**

Payer Information
*Confirmation of registration will be e-mailed here*
Your Payment Information
Only enter information if making a payment

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