Young Adult Missionary Disciple Initiative (YAMDI)
Retreat & Formation Program
2025 Cohort
The Young Adult Missionary Disciple Initiative (YAMDI) is a retreat and formation program to accompany young adults (ages 19-39) into a deeper relationship with our Lord and their personal transformation into missionary disciples.
Phase 1: Belonging in Christ
A significant part of YAMDI 2025 will be experiencing a kerygmatic retreat at Malvern Retreat House from February 7 - 9, 2025!
Retreat Theme: It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you - Experience the Kerygma!
Pope Francis tells us in Evangelii Gaudium that the “kerygma, needs to be the center of all evangelizing activity and all efforts at Church renewal.”
On this kerygmatic retreat, we will reawaken our sense of the first proclamation so that we know how to proclaim it to others. “On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’ This first proclamation is called “first” not because it exists at the beginning and can then be forgotten or replaced by other more important things. It is first in a qualitative sense because it is the principal proclamation, the one which we must hear again and again in different ways, the one which we must announce one way or another throughout the process of catechesis, at every level and moment.” (Pope Francis)
Retreat Leaders: Fr. DeLacy, Fr. Timothy, Andrea Mueller, Marisally Santiago, and Meghan Cokeley.
Phase 2: Nourishment in Formation
Following the retreat, there will be a series of formation program meetings that will include an in-depth training on missionary discipleship, dinner and fellowship. This program will equip you to be commissioned as a missionary discipleship by the Archbishop. During this phase you will receive a spiritual mentor that has previously completed the YAMDI program to accompany you on your journey.
Meeting #1 - March 10th (Monday) Radical Love Demands Repentance: The Sinner’s Pursuit of Excellence
Meeting #2 - April 7th (Monday) Intentional Accompaniment: Becoming Spiritual Mentors
Meeting #3 - May 12th (Monday) Courage to Act as the Apostles: Tangible Evangelization Techniques for the Common Person
Meeting #4 - June 9th (Monday) Going Forth: Discern your Missionary Action Plan
Phase 3: Serve as Missionary Disciples
Commissioning by the Archbishop - June 30th (Monday) at 7:00 PM in the Cathedral Chapel
Following the completion of the program, you will then be commissioned by the Archbishop and sent out on mission to fulfill the call that you have received. Certain requirements will need to be met for a young adult to be officially commissioned (moral and sacramental life, commitment to an ongoing mission, etc.).
Currently, you have the option to commit to the full formation program or only the retreat at this time. If you decide not to commit to the full formation program at this time, there will be opportunities to sign up for the program at or following the retreat.
To cover the cost of the retreat, participation in YAMDI will cost each participating young adult $175. Thanks to a donor this retreat cost has been significantly lowered in cost, in contrast to the full cost of a Malvern Retreat ($275).
Archbishop’s investment in the Young Adult Missionary Discipleship Initiative: The Archbishop and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are making a concerted effort and intentional investment in fostering missionary discipleship within young adult ministry (ages 19-39). For that reason, all those who partake in the retreat at Malvern Retreat House will receive the YAMDI dinners and formation program at no cost, if they commit to participation in the full program.
Financial Scholarships: There are scholarships available for those in need of financial assistance to make this retreat and formation program accessible to all. Please contact for more information.
Missionary Scholarships: There are scholarship applications available for those who show a dedication to a particular missionary project and a strong commitment to advancing missionary discipleship within their local community. Please contact for more information.
- All sales are final. Please note that all sales are final and we will not be able to give refunds. However, registrations are transferable. If you are unable to attend the retreat and you can find someone to come in your place.
- Registration confirmation. Once you complete your online registration, you will receive an email receipt confirming your registration. If you do not receive an email receipt, check to make sure you have fully completed your online registration. Once you arrive for the conference you’ll need to check-in at the door.