


With Jim Dalton

Saturday, January 4th, 2025 ∙ 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Portland Insight Meditation Center 6536 SE Duke Street Portland, OR 97206

For more info, email Jim at walkerdalton95@gmail.com

Please join us for our quarterly daylong Qigong & Mindful Movement retreat!

The Buddha’s classic mindfulness instructions pointed to practice with four bodily positions: sitting, standing, walking, and lying down, plus the transitions between.

Each quarter at PIMC we present a Qigong workshop to develop mindfulness of the body within all these transitions, attending to the sensations, the feelings and the mind states which arise in all these transitions. Most important, we learn where to look for refuge, letting go of our attachments to conditioned happiness and illusory worldly success. We learn to move with deep understanding of dissatisfaction, the escape of pursuing mundane success, and the false promise of a permanent, unchanging self. We discover the true refuge in the Dharma. Each movement reveals a point of origin, a middle passage, and the inevitable ending, each gesture a lesson in letting go. Each movement is an opportunity to let go a little and experience a little healing, a little peace, a glimpse of freedom. Little steps, many times...


Suggested donation $70
No one turned away for lack of funds

Full scholarships available*
Drop-in donation at the door is also accepted

*You may self-select dana below. Due to the limits of the registration software, offerings of less than $1 cannot be processed by this form. If you require a full scholarship, please use THIS FORM to register instead.

Portland Insight Meditation Center
6536 SE Duke Street ∙ Portland, OR 97206 

All ages, ethnicities, socio-economic groups, religious backgrounds, abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome.

I am in need of a scholarship and am paying the following amount for the retreat.
Please Consider
In addition to my payment for the class I would like to contribute to PIMC. Donations are tax deductible. The Portland Insight Meditation Center is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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