Be a part of history! Order your brick paver or secure a bench today!

Pay tribute to your family, team, coach, student, or loved one with your personalized brick or dedicate a bench that will be displayed on the walkway of our new athletic complex


All funds raised will be put towards field renovations and upgrades


Brick size 4.25 x 8.75. Up to 3 text lines, 15 characters per line

Brick size 8.75 x 7.75 - up to 5 lines of text, 14 characters per line

Brick size 8.75 x 13.25 - up to 5 lines of text, 23 characters per line

Plaque on a bench, up to 3 lines of text
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Brick Information
Small Brick Inscription
You have up to 3 Lines to inscribe for the Small Brick
PLEASE note, max character per line is 15
You will receive an email from us if you are over
Max Character for the Small Brick is 15 per line
Max Character for the Small Brick is 15 per line
Max Character for the Small Brick is 15 per line
Medium Brick Inscription
You have up to 5 Lines to inscribe for the Medium Brick
Please note, max characters per line is 14
You will receive an email from us if you are over
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 14 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 14 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 14 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 14 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 14 per line
Large Brick Inscription
You have up to 5 Lines to inscribe for the Large Brick
Please note, max characters per line is 23
You will receive an email from us if you are over
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 23 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 23 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 23 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 23 per line
Max Character for the Medium Brick is 23 per line
For Bricks that includes Logos, please email art work to Pat Donlen at
Bench Information
Bench Inscription
Maximum of 24 characters
Maximum of 24 characters
Maximum of 24 characters
Your Information
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
If not a CEC Grad, put N/A

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