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DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ENTRY FORM is Monday, January 13, 2025.
Entry fees should be paid by credit cards. Please have your credit card information ready before completing this entry form. After we receive your audition form(s) and entry fee(s), a confirmation email and a payment receipt will be emailed to you. Your audition number, as well as further instructions will be provided in separate email prior to the audition date. Please contact sn.talentshow@fcsn1996.org or 510-739-6900 ext.3319 if you have any questions or would like to request for other payment options.
IMPORTANT: Please submit entry form for each solo or group act.
For Group Act Entries: Please have all your group member's information before completing this form. If your group exceeds 8 members, please DO NOT complete this form and contact sn.talentshow@fcsn1996.org or 510-739-6900 x3319 for special registration.
The contestant(s) who live within a 50-mile radius of Fremont, CA must come to FCSN Osgood Center (42080 Osgood Road, Fremont CA 94539) for the in-person auditions on Sunday, January 26, 2025.Your audition number, as well as further instructions will be provided in separate email prior to the audition date.
For more information about registration, contact sn.talentshow@fcsn1996.org or 510-739-6900 ext. 3319.