Beneficiaries and Purpose
I have made this gift provision to benefit the following archdiocesan entities:
i.e. a parish, school, or agency, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis itself, an entity's endowment with CCF, etc.
(If more than 3, please use and submit an additional form)
Beneficiary 1
I intend for this gift to be “unrestricted” (Beneficiary’s discretionary use) or “restricted” (for specific purpose at Beneficiary)...
The gift provision is a...
Beneficiary 2
I intend for this gift to be “unrestricted” (Beneficiary’s discretionary use) or “restricted” (for specific purpose at Beneficiary)...
The gift provision is a...
Beneficiary 3
I intend for this gift to be “unrestricted” (Beneficiary’s discretionary use) or “restricted” (for specific purpose at Beneficiary)...
The gift provision is a...