Charitable Planned Gift Intention

Thank you for your most generous intention to support the Archdiocese or any of our parishes, schools, or ministries through your estate plans. As a service, the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) records and processes the estate gifts received from donors. The chosen beneficiary receives 100% of the gift.

Please complete as much of this form as possible to help us best understand, facilitate, execute, and ensure your wishes for your gift when the time comes. Keep in mind that your legal documents will always supersede the contents of this form. Upon receipt, we will notify any named beneficiary of your intention (unless otherwise indicated). We are deeply grateful for this meaningful act of stewardship and for your commitment to the future of our Church.

Donor Information
Type of Gift
I have made this gift provision through my… (Please check any that apply)
Retirement Plan (i.e. IRA,401k, 403b, 457)
Life Insurance Policy
Bank or Brokerage Account POD/TOD
Living Trust
Donor-advised Fund
Charitable Remainder Trust
Beneficiaries and Purpose

I have made this gift provision to benefit the following archdiocesan entities:

i.e. a parish, school, or agency, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis itself, an entity's endowment with CCF, etc.

(If more than 3, please use and submit an additional form)

Beneficiary 1
I intend for this gift to be “unrestricted” (Beneficiary’s discretionary use) or “restricted” (for specific purpose at Beneficiary)...
Restricted for:
The gift provision is a...
Set Dollar Amount
Percentage %

Documentation (OPTIONAL)

To help ensure that the Beneficiary and Archdiocese are able to fulfill my wishes and utilize my gift in the manner in which it is intended, I intend to supply a copy of my will, trust beneficiary form, or other testamentary document, or the applicable page within, pertaining to my gift and intentions (this will be kept confidential):

I intend to share documentation
Send documents to
I do not wish to share documentation
Let's discuss

To assist the Beneficiary and Archdiocese with efficient processing of my intended gift, please refer to the following persons or financial institutions when the time comes:
(i.e. an Executor of estate, Trustee, Estate Attorney, or Custodian Company of plan, policy, or fund)

What motivated you to include this gift in your estate plans? (check any that apply)
Gratitude to God, the Church, and/or the Beneficiary I am supporting
A sign and witness of my values to my family, friends, and/or community
In honor/memory of a family member, friend, or person associated with the Beneficiary
Financial and tax advantages - a means to maximize giving to heirs and to the Church
Someone asked me to consider it (pastor, financial advisor, estate attorney, etc.)
Additional Details or Questions
If there are any additional details about your gift that would be helpful for the Beneficiary and Archdiocese to know, please list those below. Also, feel free to use this section to leave any comments, questions, and/or concerns you may have, and we will be happy to respond.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.

Thank you for sharing this important information. We understand that the shared information regarding your planned gift is not legally binding and is subject to change. In accepting your gift, we will follow civil law and canonical law in the recognition of your intent. To assure that your gift is legally recognized, it is imperative that you communicate and consult with your attorney and have this information saved with your legal documents. 

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