FALL COURSE - Online and In-Person
The Noble Eightfold Path
with Robert Beatty

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You will receive a link to the Zoom meeting upon registration.

Dates: Wednesdays: October 11th, 18th, 25th, November 1st, 8th, 15th, 29th, December 20th
Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Suggested Dana: $250 (No one turned away for lack of funds. You may self-select dana below.  Due to the limits of the registration software, offerings of less than $1 cannot be processed by this form.  If you require a full scholarship, please use this FORM to register instead. )
Teacher Contact (for class questions): robert@robertbeatty.com

On any journey it is helpful to have an accurate map. A good map represents the territory well and allows one to travel efficiently toward the destination. It allows one to avoid dead-ends and dangerous pitfalls. It also allows one to use effort and energy to skillfully reach the destination.

The Noble Eightfold Path has been tested and refined for more than 2600 years.  Millions of people have followed it in the direction of wisdom, happiness, compassion and lived lives with less and less suffering. 

It is a comprehensive map that can be easily understood and followed.  It begins with an examination of our worldview and understanding of how life operates. From there we are guided in skillful aspiration and goal setting.  Next, it provides guidance on our day-to-day behavior, speech and livelihood so that we can stop sabotaging our best intentions and create the life we long for.  From there it proceeds into how we can best focus our spiritual and psychological efforts to produce the results we want. Next comes mindfulness, the practice of really paying attention to, and learning from, life. Finally, there is the cultivation of concentration which joins with mindfulness to allow the mind to penetrate deeply into the nature of reality and bring the path of awakening to its fruition.

Each of the eight classes will cover one section of the Eightfold Path. There will be guided meditations, Dharma talks and time for questions and discussion. The teachings will be straightforward with practices you will be able to employ immediately in your life.


Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness :  Bhante Gunaratana

The Noble Eightfold Path:  Bhikkhu Bodhi

(for the series of 8 classes)
I am in need of a scholarship and am paying the following amount for the class.
In addition to my payment for the class I would like to contribute an additional amount. Donations are tax deductible. The Portland Insight Meditation Center is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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