Please consider donating to Rachel’s Vineyard and Grief to Grace healing ministries supported by Diocese of Lake Charles. God desires all of his people to be healed through his mercy. Your donations to these healing ministries will help our sisters & brothers who are not able to pay for the retreat, while also helping to cover the ongoing cost of putting on the retreats. Your generosity is the helping hand of Christ removing obstacles to his healing mercy.

Testimonial Statements:

Rachel’s Vineyard taught me how to Forgive myself through the love and mercy of Our Lord and Savior. I was wounded by the shame of the sin, not allowing myself to deserve love and mercy until this retreat. Jennie

Grief to Grace gave me the courage to tell my story, the tools to remove the shame and the courage to love myself just as God Loves Me. Also allowing me to grieve the loss of innocence stolen from me and the Grace to love my Brokenness just as the Holy Family loves me. Jennie

Grief to Grace brought me into a world of healing deep rooted emotions and secrets that helped me to stay in a world of self-medicating abuse to drugs and alcohol for 35 years Feelings of brokenness and afraid G2G helped me find the little girl inside me I have learned to love and value her and know her worth I was able to make a connection with our heavenly father named Jesus Ty G2G. Darlene

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