Thank you for your dana!
Your ongoing support allows us to bring the Dharma to ever more people.

If you're able and willing, please consider joining the Stewardship Circle by making an on-going monthly commitment to PIMC.

PIMC is a 501-(c)(3)organization and your donation may be fully tax deductible.

FEIN 93-1317966

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I would like to support PIMC through MONTHLY GIVING

NOTE: You are welcome to set the timing of your donation to something other than "Monthly" if you wish. Please make sure the Recurring Frequency box below accurately reflects your choice.


The Stewardship Circle provides a stable funding base for the ongoing teaching of the Dharma at PIMC. Your monthly contribution will be automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account. Your generosity guarantees that PIMC will continue to be the living and vibrant spiritual home that nourishes you and so many others.

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Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
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