ST. MONICA L1FT Youth Ministry Core Team.

We desire every teen who steps foot though our doors to feel welcomed, to find a home at St. Monica, and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, we need enthusiastic young adults and adults to journey along side the youth by serving on the L1FT Core Team. The L1FT Core Team is an extension of the Youth Minister. We firmly believe you ARE a youth minister if you are able to interact with teens. The L1FT Core Team is the “core” of the youth department. There would be no ministry without them. Core Team members welcome youth into God's family, help them walk with Jesus in their daily lives, and encourage them to invite others to live like Jesus. .

Attributes of a Core Member

  • A desire to minister to the youth on a weekly basis.

  • A love for Christ and His Church.

  • A willingness to serve as a Catholic role model.

  • A weekly commitment to Training, the Sunday liturgy and personal prayer.

 Your Commitment
  • Serve with Youth of St. Monica for one year (May 2020 -May 2021).

  • Attend Mass Regularly.

  • Attend annual Core Team retreat (Before the year begins) and necessary meetings during the year.

  • Participate in the Core Team Training/Team Building sessions.

  • Attend L1FT Youth Group consistently. Relationships are built by spending time together. Your consistent attendance models a commitment to your faith.

    If this sounds like you, please fill out the form below!
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