This page will walk you through the process of registering for your PreCana session, including the payment of your fee. If you applied for the FOCCUS Pre-Marriage Inventory (one registration per couple), you will each be sent your separate user ID’s and passwords. This will enable each of you to go online and complete your FOCCUS Inventory questionnaire separately.



Select this ONLY if you have NOT received your FOCCUS userid from your parish
Total: $125.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Please select the day you would like to attend.

Please note class locations:

CPC: Catholic Pastoral Center 1615 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702

SJW: St. Joseph the Worker Parish 700 E Spruce St, Chatham, IL 62629

Our Saviour: Our Saviour Parish 453 E. State St., Jacksonville, IL 62650

Ss. Peter & Paul: Ss. Peter & Paul Parish 301 Vandalia, Collinsville, IL 62234

St. Joseph- Quincy: St. Joseph Parish 1435 E. 1500 St., Quincy, IL 62305

In addition to your PreCana session, the Office for Marriage and Family Life offers classes in Natural Family Planning. The NFP classes are held at various times and locations throughout the Diocese. Please select the location you would like to begin your training at. More detailed information pertaining to your selection will be sent to you after your registration is received.

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Groom’s Registration Information
(first letter of first, middle and last names)
Bride’s Registration Information
(first letter of first, middle and last names)
Billing Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Your Payment Information



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