Thank you for your interest in purchasing a personalized commemorative brick or tile. Your generous gift will help Casa Colina provide free and subsidized care to individuals recovering from a disabling injury or illness who need financial support to maximize their recovery. 

A commemorative brick or tile is a heartfelt way to recognize a loved one, celebrate a special occasion, highlight your business or organization, or simply have the name of your choice forever linked to the history of Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare.

Your brick or tile will be proudly displayed in one of the many beautifully landscaped gardens across Casa Colina’s 20-acre Pomona campus. Make the decision to buy a brick or tile today and become a part Casa Colina's 85-year legacy of hope and healing!

Be a part of Casa Colina history with the purchase of a commemorative brick or tile!

Brick Choice
I would prefer to make the following donation at this time
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
4"x 8" Commemorative Brick Inscription
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
12"x12" Commemorative Paving Tile Inscription
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
20 characters (including spaces)
Donor Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be emailed to this address.
Please notify the following person of this purchase
Your Payment Information

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