Sponsored Puja Request Form

We offer this Sponsored Puja Service for the benefit of all beings. Our puja services are by donation. It is our sincere intent that anyone who wishes to receive the benefits of a puja, can and will. No matter the size of your donation, be assured the pujas will be performed. If you are in a position to donate more that will assist those who donate less. We are grateful for all donations. The donations are for offerings to the Lamas performing the pujas and help support the Institute. Please note that donations for puja services are not eligible for tax deductions according to the tax law since you are provided a service.

Suggested Donations:
This is a suggested guide for donations. You may offer what is comfortable for your circumstance, whether it is the exact suggested amount, more or less. 

For the Living:
    • $15 - $25 each.
For the Dead:
    • Phowa: $15 - $25
    • Jangchok Burning Away Afflictions: $15 - $25
    • 49-Day Sur: $45 - $60

May all beings benefit!

Pujas for the Living
To remove inner and outer obstacles, and create supportive conditions for successful spiritual practice. Achi is Protectress of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and its practitioners.
To facilitate a positive transition and good rebirth for a person who is near death, or shortly after they have died.
To increase lifespan, wisdom and merit, and prevent untimely death.
To invoke the compassionate relief of suffering, and develop compassion within oneself.
To generate prosperity, and relieve the suffering of poverty and lack for all sentient beings.
To protect us from worldly fears, suffering and danger, and reduce delusion, negative karma, afflictions and obscurations.
To remove obstacles to worldly or spiritual accomplishments; transform afflictive emotions into wisdom; and avert harm from spirits or non-human entities.
To protect dharma practitioners from delusion, promote positive qualities, and support the accomplishment of dharma practice.
To cut through ignorance, increase wisdom, sharpen intelligence, enhance memory, improve literary ability, and ultimately develop bodhicitta.
To purify karmas, promote longevity, and remove obstacles. Those who merely hear or see her mantra will never be reborn in the lower realms again.
To invoke healing, and ease the suffering of physical or mental illness/disease - for self and others.
To pacify contagious disease; particularly invoked during times of epidemic.
To accumulate merit, purify obstacles, alleviate suffering and repay karmic debts.
To purify negative karma and broken vows.
To promote long life, healing, protection and relief of all types of suffering for self and others.
To awaken the energy of enlightened mind, cut through delusion and dogmatism, and remove obstacles and unfavorable conditions.

Pujas for the Dead
Phowa is the practice of directly transferring the consciousness of the deceased to the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha.
The Jangchok is performed to close the door to karmically habitual tendencies and perceptions of the deceased. The departed are reminded of their true nature, and their negative karmas, afflictions and obscurations are burned away. A brief phowa is part of this practice.
In Sur practice, burnt offerings are made for the benefit of the deceased while in the intermediate state between births (called the bardo). This practice will be performed once daily for 49 days - the length of time it is traditionally said a deceased being spends in the bardo. * Important to note the date of death.
Extra Offerings
Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Donor Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be emailed to this address.
Your Payment Information

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