For over forty years, Mercy Hospice has been providing supportive services to women in recovery who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. We offer one of the only places in Philadelphia where women in recovery can reside with their young children. Your donation enables us to offer hot meals seven days a week, shelter, clothing, educational programs, case management, and housing referral to assist those we serve as they rebuild their lives, reconnect with their families and move towards sober and self-sufficient living in the community. Thank you for joining us in this mission—for sharing in the belief that all life is valuable and that with love and compassion, all things are possible, including long-term, sustainable recovery.
Please complete your donation information below. If you wish to make a one-time donation, please select ‘One Time Only’ under ‘Payment Frequency.’ You may also make an ongoing donation with recurring payments continuing until the ‘Total Dollar Amount’ you desire to donate is reached.