Regular Offering
(replaces green envelopes)
My Dear People,
Thank you for choosing to use our new online giving. We appreciate your commitment to Prince of Peace and your involvement with our Catholic community. Your giving to these specific funds and appeals will assure the success of these efforts. Please trust that your donation will be used in the best interest of the church.

Fr. Chris
Please enter your offering amount in the box below and select the appropriate options. This will replace your weekly green envelope offering. You may request a reoccurring amount for weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual gifts (monthly preferred.) You may also select the beginning date by checking Future Date instead of Immediately and also select various Change End Options. The amount will continue at the frequency you select unless you contact us to make changes or to cancel recurring gifts. If you have any questions, please phone us at 812-265-4166 or email

You may choose the method of payment that best fits your needs. Deductions can be made directly from your checking account. This is called an e-check or ACH payment and is the preferred method as it has the lowest cost to the church. Optionally you may use either your credit card or a debit card. You may want to supplement you gift to help cover the Church’s cost to process credit card transactions.

We appreciate your using this online giving as it will ultimately be the most efficient way for the church to receive your gift. Using this online giving option the office hours required for processing your offering will decrease. End of year statements will be available as usual. Thank You.
Choose A Frequency
Donor Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Please consider payment by e-Check.
Thank you for choosing to support Prince of Peace! It is through the generosity of parishioners and friends such as yourself that our parish is able to continue to grow in faith, community and service.

Each of us is asked to prayerfully consider our own personal ability to give when making our pledge of financial support to our parish. Suggested guidelines for giving are as follows:
Guidelines for Giving
Household Income Amount of Weekly Gift
Annually 2% 3% 4% 5%
Half Tithe
6% 8% 10%
$10,000 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $15 $19
$30,000 $12 $17 $23 $29 $35 $46 $58
$50,000 $19 $29 $38 $48 $58 $77 $96
$70,000 $27 $40 $54 $67 $81 $108 $135
$100,000 $38 $58 $77 $96 $115 $154 $192
$150,000 $58 $87 $115 $144 $173 $231 $288
$200,000 $77 $115 $154 $192 $231 $308 $385
Each of us has gifts and talents that Jesus needs. Sometimes we may undervalue them. All the time, though, if we simply bring our gifts and our lives to Jesus, we find their true value in the service of His people.
Your Payment Information



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