Please complete this form to apply for renewal of your credentials and of your RAIN Membership. There is no fee for renewing, but only members who are current with their annual administrative fee when applying for renewal are eligible for continuance of ministerial credentials. If you wish to pay your administrative fee at this time, click here and check the Administrative Fee box.
We appreciate your commitment to the Family of RAIN!
RAIN Membership Status
I am renewing my licensure certification.
I am renewing my ordination certification.
I am a member and would like to apply for ministerial licensure.
I am licensed through RAIN and would like to apply for ordination.
(Print out the Ordination Recommendation Form on our website and give it to the Leader you list below, or direct them to the website to submit the form online.)
Church Affiliation and References
List the name of the church which you currently:
state the reason and list the name of the previous church that you attended; include the pastor’s name, address and phone number, and how long you attended or pastured.
Membership Information
Renewal of your Ministerial Credentials and/or membership is contingent upon:
1. Your regular engagement in that area of ministry for which you have been licensed, ordained, and /or received into membership.
2. Your continued accountability to a member of the RAIN Apostolic Team.
3. Your ongoing financial support of RAIN.
How have you fulfilled these requirements?
Please list areas of ministry that you have been engaged in during this past year.
(Please include official duties in marrying, conducting funerals, baptisms, and communion services, as well as seminars, conferences, teaching in Bible Schools, mission trips, or outreaches
to whom you have been accountable.
(to RAIN)
Your Ministry
We as a team want to be a support to you and to your church or ministry in prayer as well as in very practical ways. Please let us know your areas of need.
Your Information
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
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