Donate Now To Stop Plastic Pollution

Join us in creating a world free of plastic pollution. Your donation directly supports our work to educate, connect, and advocate by helping you and others around the world to:

  • Stay informed with the latest news and webinars
  • Find plastic free alternatives through our guides, and
  • Take action with our online petitions and much more.

Thank you for helping to create a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. Click here if you prefer to donate via Paypal.

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Donate by Check

All checks should be made payable to "Plastic Pollution Coalition" and mailed to:

Plastic Pollution Coalition
4401A Connecticut Avenue NW #143
Washington, DC 20008

Make a Wire Transfer

To make a bank wire transfer, please contact our Office Manager by email at assistant[at] or call (323) 936-3010.

Plastic Pollution Coalition is a project of Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3, non-profit organization, organized and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #94-2889684).


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