An Evening of Mardi Gras, March 2, 2024, 7-10 p.m.

An exciting annual event that features the exceptional culture of New Orleans including outstanding cuisine, music, dancing, silent auction, and more.

Sponsorship Opportunities
16 tickets with reserved parking, Includes invitation to President's Reception, Prominent sponsor signage at event, Sponsor logo on Mardi Gras save the date card, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website (with link) and year-round digital display on campus
14 tickets with reserved parking, Includes invitation to President's Reception, Prominent sponsor signage at event, Sponsor logo on Mardi Gras save the date card, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website (with link) and year-round digital display on campus
12 tickets with reserved parking, Includes invitation to President's Reception, Prominent sponsor signage at event, Sponsor logo on Mardi Gras save the date card, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website and year-round digital display on campus
10 tickets, Includes invitation to President's Reception, Sponsor signage at event, Sponsor logo on Mardi Gras save the date card, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website and year-round digital display on campus
8 tickets, Includes invitation to President's Reception, Sponsor signage at event, Sponsor logo on Mardi Gras save the date card, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website and year-round digital display on campus
6 tickets, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on Mardi Gras website and year-round digital display on campus
4 tickets, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on year-round digital display on campus
2 tickets, Company recognition on Facebook event page, Sponsor listing on year-round digital display on campus
2 tickets, Sponsor listing on year-round digital display on campus

*For inclusion on printed materials, sponsorships should be received no later than Thursday, February 29, 2024. Sponsorships are still appreciated after this date and company recognition will be displayed on digital event signage and the website.



Total: $0.00
Future Commitment: $0.00
Guest Registration
Please enter the names and email addresses of the guests who will be attending. By entering your guests' email addresses, we will be able to keep them apprised of event news and updates. If you are unsure of guest names at this time, please enter your information into Guest #1 Name and we will follow up with you.
Payer Information
This is the address where your credit card statements are mailed.
A receipt will be e-mailed to this address.
Please indicate how would you like your name to be listed in our list of supporters?
(Example: John and Jane Smith or John F. Smith or ABC Company)
Additional Information
I plan to apply for matching gifts from my company.
If you checked the box above please enter your company name.
Your Payment Information


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